Preparing for the March For Our Lives

Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe has invited everyone in the diocese to join her in standing with young people at March For Our Lives Syracuse or at anther March For Our Lives event on March 24th. Details about Episcopal participation in these events can be found here.

Best practices for bringing youth and adults to a protest or march:

Forma has published a piece on “Best practices for bringing youth and adults to a protest or march.” If you are planning to attend a march with youth and adults from your church, please take time to review this piece.

“It is important for you to know that while many Episcopal churches are engaging with the March For Our Lives, The Episcopal Church is not organizing the march. If you are planning to take a church sponsored group to participate in the March For Our Lives you are encouraged to do so as a pilgrimage. Pilgrims are on a journey, they are not headed for a destination. On a pilgrimage you enter into someone else’s space, it is important to maintain a posture of respect…Continue reading.”


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