Try an at-home Advent kit this season

Author the Rev. Jenny Scott-Jones is the priest-in-charge at Grace Episcopal Church in Elmira. 

As with all things 2020, Advent this year will be different. But I believe that different can be just what the Holy Spirit ordered to connect with each of us in a new way. I have curated a collection of items to fill an at-home Advent kit which will offer a variety of Advent spiritual practices to do on one’s own.

The items include:

To collect the items cost just under $20 per box. This is an adult-focused style of box but there are great resources online for parishes with families (my favorite is Illustrated Ministry).

I sourced items through: Autom, Eastern Gift Shop, Forward Movement, and Amazon but there are plenty of other options out there.

What would you include in an at-home Advent kit?

  • Lesley

    Nice idea! I am thinking that for people in institutional settings (nursing homes, hospitals, half-way houses), you could use battery candles.

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