Rest and “tend with care the blessing that God has given us:” A video message from Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe


Hello friends. In our Sunday lectionary we’ve been going through the book of Mark. And one of the blessings in the book of Mark is to see how Jesus manages ministry. Throughout the book of Mark we can see Jesus withdrawing and resting, and then going out to minister. Withdrawing and preparing with his disciples, and then going out to minister. It gives us a great model for our own ministries. There are times when we need to withdraw, not out of anger or frustration, but out of self-care. That like Jesus in Mark chapter 4, which we just read recently, that in the midst of the storms of life, we can sleep, resting and knowing that God is God, and that we rest in God’s belovedness, as people of God.

As I go on vacation this year, I pray that you will join me in resting, in tending to our souls. Not purely for the purpose of self-indulgence, but rather to tend to our own souls so that when God calls us we will be ready to respond. We will be rested and prepared and have the skills necessary to minister and to offer to this hurting world a servant’s heart.

May you rest in knowing that God is God. We’re not called to perfection. We are not called to overwork. We are called to tend with care the blessing that God has given us in this opportunity to live each day for God’s love and mercy in our hurting world.

May you rest. May you care for your soul. And may we rejoin in the fall ready for the things God has called us to do in this world.

Rest and be well.

Blessings, dear friends.

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