Bishop DeDe was able to find some light and peace on a chilly ride to Cazenovia Lake on an otherwise gray January day and stopped to wish us all well in this new year. Watch or read her message below.

Happy New Year! What a wonderful time in this season of light to be reminded that God journeys with us in all things – in the unexpected and those few things we can anticipate.

In February, our diocese has a pilgrimage. We’re going to learn more about racial reconciliation. We’re going to learn more about the brokenness of racism and institutional brokenness in our world. And we’re also going to come back renewed and more informed about how we might live our gospel value of a world healed by love.

We’re also adding to our Rule of Life rest – that we rest in the Lord. That it is God who restores our soul. That when we’re weary or war-torn or sorrowing, that in returning to God we find our source, the source of our strength.

So whatever this year may hold, we journey together, dear friends. May you know the peace of God, and as we begin this ride, may we know that it is God who is with us, and so we are at peace. May you be a blessing and may you be blessed.

+Bishop DeDe Signature

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A headshot of Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe+. Bishop DeDe is outside in front of a leafed-out, lusciously green tree in mid-summer. She's smiling at the camera, wearing her glasses, her collar and Bishop-purple shirt, a multi-colored scarf, and her pectoral cross.A labyrinth is pictured. It appears to be indoors and made of stone. A blurry human in motion is seen entering the labyrinth.