The Election of the Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, Presiding Bishop-Elect

Dear People of God in Central New York, 

Image Description: Headshot of the Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, 28th Presiding Bishop-Elect of The Episcopal Church

At the 81st General Convention today, the Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe was elected to be our next presiding bishop. I remain deeply grateful to have been part of this transformative discernment process through which I have grown in faith and in my dedication to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I am thankful for our Presiding Bishop-elect Sean, and my fellow nominees Rob, Daniel, and Scott. The collegiality we shared has been a blessing to each of us and we will continue to support one another as part of our church’s shared ministry.


Image Description: A photo of the five bishops who were nominated to stand for election for the 28th presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church. They are all wearing shades of their purple clerical shirts and smiling, apparently, towards a different camera than the one that took this photo. From left to right, the Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, the Rt. Rev. Rob Wright, the Rt. Rev. Daniel Gutierrez, and the Rt. Rev. Scott Barker.

I am especially grateful for you, the people of our diocese, who have been so encouraging and supportive of me, especially by praying for me and for our church as we have discerned a new call. 

What a joy that our shared ministry continues! I am honored to serve as your bishop and together we will continue to participate in God’s call to seek “a world healed by love,” as we continue “learning to love God, one another, and all of God’s creation.” Each of you are essential to this sacred work and I look forward to God’s ongoing work in our midst. This is indeed a year of joy! 

May we have ears to hear what the Spirit of God is saying to our church and be filled with the courage to follow where God leads. 

 Blessings of peace for the journey,


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Image Description: Promotional image for spring 2024 ministry grants, featuring two scenes: children in the Magical Musical Squad singing, and individuals performing community service tasks. deadline highlighted: may 15.