News & Updates

  • Image Description: A group of Karen families from Grace Episcopal Church in Utica, NY pose in the sanctuary of the church in front of the altar with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe, Bishop Lee Miller II of the Upstate NY Synod of the ELCA, and Bishop Douglas Lucia of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse after a diocesan event in December of 2023.

    Meet the Ordinand: Edwin Way

    Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe will ordain Edwin Way of Utica, New York to the Sacred Order of Deacons on Saturday, July 27, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to attend […]
  • Image Description: A diverse group of people holding signs in support of a ceasefire in Gaza. One sign reads "If you stand ... you stand with justice" and another "Bombing kids is not defense." The overlay text reads "D056: Calling for a Ceasefire in Gaza" with a message calling for peace.

    Prayers for a Ceasefire in Gaza

    One of the resolutions passed at the 81st General Convention was D056, proposed by Canon Megan, “Calling for a Ceasefire in Gaza.” One of the actions called for in the […]
  • Image Description: Bishop DeDe, an individual with short hair and glasses, wearing clerical clothing, stands outdoors. Text on the image reads: "An important message from Bishop Dede - Current Title IV Process and Ongoing Safety Concerns." The seal of the Diocese of Central New York is shown on the right side.

    A Statement from Bishop DeDe: Current Title IV Process and Ongoing Safety Concerns

    Dear People of God in Central New York,  I’m writing to share with you some of what has been happening over the past month and to let you know that […]
  • Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate for Edwin Way

    God willing and the people consenting, the Rt. Rev. Dr. DeDe Duncan-Probe, Bishop of Central New York, will ordain Edwin Way to the Sacred Order of Deacons. Saturday, July 27th, […]
  • Image Description: A graphic with "Election Year Reminders" text at the top. Contains icons of a megaphone, a hand holding a ballot over a voting box labeled "Vote," a raised fist, a raised index finger, a pencil, and a speech bubble with a question mark. The background has blue, red, and white blocks.

    Election Year Reminders

    In this election year and every year, it is important to keep in mind that our faith doesn’t end with the final dismissal in a Sunday service and then resume […]

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