A Joyful Noise: Outer Space, Eurovision, and Syracuse

In our Year of Joy and the lead up to our 156th Convention, “A Joyful Noise: Celebrating the Work of God,” we’re sharing music and songs that bring joy to people in our diocese along with brief descriptions of why the songs matter to them. Join the fun! You can send your songs and stories to communications@cnyepiscopal.org. Don’t want to share a story? That’s fine, too! Just share your song(s) and we’ll add them to our already-very-eclectic playlist on Spotify! 


Music and I go way back. I have so many memories with music at the center. My sisters were the first ones to really shape my musical tastes, and from there, well I’m not entirely sure how I ended up enjoying such a weird variety. However I got here, though, I’m glad I did. Nothing brings me joy quite like those songs that just get down in my bones. Here’s a taste of some of my favorite joy-bringing tunes:

Space Girl by The Imagined Village

There’s something about the singer’s voice and the story she tells that’s just plain delightful. From the Doctor Who-esque subject matter to that one little bell dinging towards the end and even the violin riff (or is it a fiddle?), it’s a fantastically put together song, and It never fails to brighten my day.


Love Like You by Rebecca Sugar

Ok, I know cartoons aren’t for everyone, but this one is beautiful enough to stand on its own. Also, the show it comes from, Steven Universe, might be one of the single most emotionally mature things I’ve ever watched on television. The song is used in the end credits and reminds me of the deep kindness at the show’s core. It’s also really pretty.


10 Years by Dadi Freyr

Iceland’s 2020 entry for Eurovision combines synthesizers, a grooving bassline, and a really catchy melody into an absolute romp of a song. Bonus points for pulling up the video on YouTube to see their 8-bit custom sweatshirts.


Are You Having Any Fun – Elaine Stritch

I simply cannot imagine a universe in which this song doesn’t crack me up every time it comes on. Just try singing “Are you having any fun” without smiling, I dare you!


Hallelujah – Martin Sexton

Martin Sexton is one of my favorite artists. If you’ve never heard him, he has an enormous catalog to listen through. Also, he’s a Syracuse native and regularly plays around Central New York, so you just might be able to see him in-person!


I hope these tunes bring you some joy as you give ’em a listen! There are many more I could’ve written about, and some I’m sure bring me joy where they might take you elsewhere. Part of what I love about this variety is that it helps me practice finding joy in unexpected places. Some of the songs are a little somber or downright sad and yet, somehow, the beauty of the music itself makes me look at the somber or the sad and see glimmers of hope and joy even in those harder emotions. Who knows? Maybe that transfers to the rest of my life, too! – Fr. Brooks Cato, St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church, Hamilton

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Image Description: A colorful design featuring abstract shapes in blue, orange, and pink. Text reads "a joyful noise" in pink and white and "Celebrating the Work of God, Diocese of Central New York, 156th Convention" at the bottom.Image Description: A colorful design featuring abstract shapes in blue, orange, and pink. Text reads "a joyful noise" in pink and white and "Celebrating the Work of God, Diocese of Central New York, 156th Convention" at the bottom.