Prayers for the week of May 29th

NY, United States

In our parishes, we pray for the people of St. John's Episcopal Church in Oneida and their priest, the Rev. Nick Smith, and the people of the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection in Oswego and their priest, the Rev. Anne Wichelns. In our Companion Diocese of El Salvador, we pray for the seminarians and Postulants in the Salvadoran Diocesan Clergy Formation Program. In The Episcopal Church, we pray for the people of the Diocese of Utah and their bishop-elect . In the Anglican Communion, we pray for the people of the Church of South India and their prime bishop, the Most Rev. Dharmaraj Rasalam.

Prayers for the week of June 5th

NY, United States

In our parishes, we pray for the people of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Oxford and their priest, the Very Rev. David Hanselman, an dthe people of St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Port Leyden and their priest, the Rev. Heather Benson. In our Companion Diocese of El Salvador, we pray for the annual Convention of the Diocese of El Salvador. In The Episcopal Church, we pray for the people of the Diocese of Venezuela and their bishop, the Rt. Rev. Orlando Guerrero Torres. In the Anglican Communion, we pray for the people of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa and their prime bishop, the Most Rev. Thabo Makgoba.

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