Meet Adam, our newest staff member!

A headshot of Adam. He's smiling kindly toward the camera and is sporting a beard and a patterned Oxford-style shirt.This week has been an exciting one in the diocesan offices as we’ve welcomed Adam Eichelberger who joins us as Program Coordinator and Secretary of Convention. Adam hit the ground running and it’s clear he’s a great addition to our ministry team. Be sure to welcome Adam to our diocesan family and get to know him more below!

What’s life like for Adam?

My wife, Kate, and I have been married for 12 years. We have two kids, AJ and Maggie, and a dog named Zeb. I’m a native of Tucson, AZ, and we moved to Central New York in 2015 to be closer to my wife’s huge family (she’s the oldest of eight). Before coming to the Diocese of Central New York, I served in ministry in the Roman Catholic Church for 20 years. I worked in youth and young adult ministry, evangelization and preaching/speaking, as well as ways to bring the Good News of Jesus to people through new ways through media.

What drew you to this position and working with the diocese?

The call to serve God and His people is something I haven’t been able to ignore since I was in high school. As my understanding of God and His amazing, all-encompassing love grew, I wanted to serve in a way in which all people can be seen, known and loved. That’s what drew me and my family to the Episcopal Church.

What are some of your favorites?

I’m a huge nerd, especially all things Star Wars. As a family, we love to play Dungeons and Dragons, hike the awesome state parks here in New York, we cheer for the Philadelphia Eagles and the Buffalo Bills on Sundays (after church, obviously). I’m also an avid collector of tattoos (as you’ll see when we meet)  and I like to rescue old bibles from used bookstores (my oldest is from the 1850s).

What are you most looking forward to in your new role?

I want to meet the people of our diocese and hear their stories. I want to help our faith communities go from maintenance to mission, to go from just surviving to thriving. My hope is that we can work together to set bigger tables, not build bigger walls.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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The stylized red cross of the Diocese of Central New YorkThe stylized red cross of the Diocese of Central New York