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Prayers for the week of August 4th

In our parishes, we pray for the people of St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in Liverpool and the people of Trinity Episcopal Church in Lowville.

In the Episcopal Church, we pray for the Diocese of West Missouri and their Bishop Provisional, the Rt. Rev. Diane M. Jardine Bruce.

In the Anglican Communion, we pray for the people of the Anglican Church of Kenya and their prime bishop, the Most Rev. Jackson Ole Sapit. 

A Prayer Against Gun Violence

God of mercy and compassion, who wept with Rachel as she lamented over her children—be with us, who lament the plague of gun violence that lies heavy over our land. Open our eyes to see the ways we might transform the shadow of strife and death into the way of love and peace. Strengthen us to tirelessly care for one another, that we may truly find our security in the boundless love you call us to, and lead us all to your promised future, where no sword will be drawn against another, and no power known but the power of love. All this we ask through the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Safe Church Training – In Person (Black River)

St. John's Church, Black River 143 West Remington Street, Black River

St. John's Episcopal Church will host an in-person Safe Church training with Michael Hardin on Sunday, Aug. 4th, from noon to 4pm. Attendees are encouraged to bring a lunch or […]

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