Convention registrations were due by Wednesday, September 11. 

All clergy, delegates, and others attending Convention must register.

Convention will be held on Zoom on Friday, October 18, and simultaneously online and onsite at Ss. Peter and John Church in Auburn on Saturday, October 19. 

If you’re registering on behalf of others…

If you’re completing registration on behalf of someone else or if you’re registering your parish’s delegation, you’ll want to gather some information before you start: 

You’ll need a unique email address for each person you register who plans to attend online on one or both days of convention. The email should be the address that the person uses and checks regularly. If you are registering on behalf of someone who is only attending the onsite portion of Convention on Saturday, you may register multiple people with the same email address. 

What if I need to change or cancel my registration?

To cancel or change a registration, please notify the diocesan office as soon as possible at Then please fill out the Delegate Change Form here. Refunds are available up to October 7.

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