New in 2022, our Church Leadership Resource Group will meet every other month to share ideas and tools for leading your congregation. This group is open to all parish leaders: staff, clergy, wardens, vestry members, and other volunteers.
Below, watch a recording of March’s session on the topic “Sources of Transformation.” We explore areas of ministry where the Church has found God is reliably transforming lives, and we talk about using areas of strength to help support and grow areas that are less developed in our congregations.
Sources of Transformation – Slides – March 2022
Sources of Transformation – Handout
Coming up in the Church Leadership Resource Group
Here’s what we’ve got planned for upcoming sessions of the Church Leadership Resource Group. Please check the diocesan calendar to register!
May 19th: Gather-Transform-Send
The primary task of a Christian congregation can be described this way: The unique purpose and work of a congregation is to gather those called by God into Christ’s body, the Church—a community of transformation of mind, heart, and action—and to send these same people into the world both to be and to act as God’s loving and transforming presence.
September 29th: Benedictine Life
The elements described in St. Benedict’s Rule provide a framework for approaching the spiritual life of both individuals and communities.
November 17th: Life Cycle of an Organization/ Life Cycle of a Ministry
All organizations have a beginning, middle, and end. We’ll teach a model that will invite us to look at where our ministries are in the natural life cycle of an organization/ministry and dig into the formation questions that can help lead us into times of healthy stability.
January 26, 2023: The Power of Congregational Interviews
One purpose of doing congregational interviews is to help understand how people are experiencing your congregation. Congregational interviews have also proven to help build trust and relationships in our parishes.