Call for Prayers for Presiding Bishop Curry: A statement from Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe

By now you may have seen the news that, following Celebrate Dio CNY this weekend, Presiding Bishop Curry experienced an accidental fall. Upon returning home to North Carolina, he was admitted to the hospital where he underwent a surgery for a subdural hematoma. The surgery was successful and Bishop Curry is recovering in the hospital. 

We are profoundly grateful to have begun this new season and Year of Joy in our diocese with Bishop Curry. His presence with us this weekend and his calls to be deeply rooted in the love of God were a blessing to us and our shared diocesan ministry with each other and our communities. Truly, he brought us “joy, joy, joy down in our hearts” and he shared that being with us was a source of joy for him as well. 

Please join us in faithful and persistent prayer for Bishop Curry, his family, and his medical team as he recovers from his fall and surgery:

O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers and grant to your servant Michael the help of your power that his injury may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

In addition to praying for Bishop Curry, we invite you to share your messages of gratitude and your prayers and wishes for his recovery in the comments below. We will compile your responses and send them in one letter from our diocese this Friday, December 9.

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  • Joseph Hannah

    I am sometimes a reticent man. Bishop Curry had me shouting for joy.

  • Annette Clark-Hani

    All of us from Zion, Rome, NY continue to pray for you and your family. Several of us attended the Celebration at Grace Church on December 2 and we all felt the JOY DEEP DOWN IN OUR HEARTS. Bless you
    Zion Episcopal Church

  • Debbie Barker

    Dear Bishop Curry,

    My heart is still overflowing with joy and inspiration from the words you shared with us at DIO CNY. I am deeply grateful for the passion you shared with us and for reminding us of the importance of being joyful together in all that we do! My prayers go out to you for a speedy and full recovery.

  • Cynthia Curtin

    Dear Bishop Curry–
    Thank you for all you do. Thank you for your spiritual leadership.

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