Bishop DeDe’s Easter Message 2024

The resurrection of Jesus Christ. What does that mean to you? How does it inform your faith and your life?  I think for all of us, resurrection is a mystery. Even for Biblical scholars and those who study theology, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is a hope, a belief, a faith.  Each of us in this time, I think, know what it is to be afraid, and know what it is to feel fear and division all around us.

But the Easter message is one of hope in fear.  In Mark chapter 16, verses 1 through 8, the women go to the tomb to care for the body of Jesus. Something that would have been normal. They’re going about their daily lives doing what is expected, but going in the evening for fear of the authorities. And yet when they get there, they find the stone rolled away, no body and the clothes lying there. They flee and wonder and amazement and tell no one for they were afraid.

You and I are much like those women. I think we’re afraid not to know what resurrection means in our life. To think we should know, but we’re not really certain that we do know.  But I invite you this Easter season to consider how wondering might be part of your resurrection celebration. How Easter might be better informed, noting that we can be afraid and amazed at the same time.

The love of God has come to us in the person of Jesus Christ.  Death no longer holds its sting; death no longer is the final word. We too are invited to life everlasting.  We too are invited to move beyond death to the hope of eternal life in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  So wherever you are on your journey and however you might believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, I hope that this Easter you will befriend your fear and your amazement, that you’ll enter into this gospel narrative and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the love of God that is with you.

May you be blessed and be a blessing and know that God loves you.  Happy Easter!
Bishop DeDe's Signature

  • Belmonts

    Thank you, and we wish you and your family a blessed Easter.

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