All Day

Prayers for the week of July 3rd


In our parishes, we pray for the people of St. Thomas' Episcopal Church in Slaterville Springs, and the people of St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in New Berlin and their priest, the Rev. Steve White. In our Companion Diocese of El Salvador, we pray for the people of Misión La Divina Providencia, El Maizal, Acajutla, Sonsonate, and their priest, the Rev. Juan Pablo Alvarado. In The Episcopal Church, we pray for the people of the Diocese of Washington and their bishop, the Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde. In the Anglican Communion, we pray for the people of the Anglican Church of Tanzania and their archbishop, the Most Rev. Dr. Maimbo Mndolwa. And we pray for all bishops and deputies to the 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church in Baltimore, Maryland, which convenes July 8-11.

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