Six ways to #VoteFaithfully this fall

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry of The Episcopal Church reminds us, “we are blessed as a nation to vote. As citizens of this country this is a right, an obligation, and a duty. Go vote. Vote your conscience. Your conscience informed by what it means to love your neighbor, to participate in the process of seeking the common good, to participate in the process of making this a better world. However you vote, go and vote. And do that as followers of Jesus.”

Here are six ways to #VoteFaithfully in the U.S. elections this fall!

1. Register to vote

We cannot engage in the public square through voting if we’re not registered to vote! Don’t procrastinate-get registered today! Visit to get registered NOW.

2. Get informed

Research the candidates ahead of time, even for local elections. Know what you need to take with you to the polling station in order to vote.

3. Vote

Make sure you know where to vote, or, if necessary, how to cast an absentee ballot! Go to Rock the Vote to find your polling place and more.

4. Mobilize!

Find friends and fellow parishioners who aren’t yet registered and sign up together. Talk to youth and young adults about the importance of registering and help get them registered. Volunteer or host a voter registration drive, or help people get to their polling station. Share on social media that you #VoteFaithfully to remind and encourage others to vote too.

5. Join lawyers and collars

This initiative engages pastors, imams, rabbis, and other faith leaders, to stand alongside lawyers at voting precincts of vulnerable citizens. They will provide a combined legal and moral presence against voter suppression, intimidation, and harassment. Check out their website for more information.

6. Engage your congregation using the Episcopal Church’s #VoteFaithfully toolkit

We can play a unique role in this election by empowering every voice in our congregations. Check out resources in this toolkit for getting out the vote in your faith community.

This post is an edited version of an action alert from the Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations. 

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two pairs of hands, one in gardening gloves, hold a bowl of red tomatoes