Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe’s 2022 Easter Message

“We need resurrection now,” says Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe of the Episcopal Diocese of Central New York in her Easter 2022 message. “That’s why God has called you: with your failings, with your foibles, as you are, to be an embodiment of God’s love and grace and mercy.”

Greetings, friends. Happy Easter to you! A season of resurrection and renewal⁠—oh my goodness, that we need so much right now. Our war-torn, suffering, hurting, divided, tired, fatigued, sorrowing, angry, world. We need resurrection now. God’s love comes to us in the hardest times in life, because resurrection comes after death. It’s the next thing after that hard, terrible thing.

You and I are called as children of God to embody, to incarnate resurrection to this world: to forgive our friends, families, neighbors; to seek a new way; to offer hope instead of hatred; love instead of fear.

You and I are called to proclaim the Risen Christ at just the right time, and I don’t know if you’ve thought about it, but you are just the right person for the job. That’s why God has called you: with your failings, with your foibles, as you are, to be an embodiment of God’s love and grace and mercy. Not perfect but made perfect by the love of Jesus Christ. Not having accomplished it but faithfully seeking to offer hospitality and renewal to this hurting world.

I pray that in this Easter season you will be renewed in the deepest parts of your soul, knowing that God loves you, God has created you, and God is calling you to go out into this world with a message of hope and renewal that is so desperately needed

May you be a blessing to this world and may you proclaim the Risen Love of Jesus Christ: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Praise be to God.

The Rt. Rev. Dr. DeDe Duncan-Probe
Bishop of Central New York

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