General Convention Day 2 & 3: Deputy’s Lunchtime Report

Deputy Kate Bell is a member of St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Syracuse. 

It is Sunday lunchtime, and this morning we worshiped at the Lord’s Table. Daily worship and frequent prayer remind us and bind us. Then at 10:00 a.m. we got back to work.

CNY’s Deputies to the 80th General Convention, hard at work on a Saturday night in Baltimore.

The pace of General Convention has been intense. Having to choose between reflection and writing on the one hand, or sleep on the other, I chose sleep. For a more comprehensive survey of the business we have covered I endorse Episcopal News Service and the General Convention and House of Deputies websites.

What they won’t tell you is what a rockstar Megan Castellan [CNY Deputy Castellan is rector of St. John’s, Ithaca—ed.] was. She proposed an amendment (which passed) to one of the contentious resolutions about future General Conventions sites [A001 Site for 82nd General Convention], taking into consideration the safety and welfare of those able to become pregnant. She gave the language a less volatile and more orderly set of criteria that the planning committees should take into consideration. She also spoke on the floor as a voice of reason and thoughtful productivity. Plus she was campaigning for Julia Ayala Harris, who was elected next President of the House of Deputies. Julia made a good impression on all of us, I think, when she met personally (on Zoom) with our delegation, and I think the House is in good hands. Next Convention we will elect a new Presiding Bishop!

Adam Hamilton-Ferguson also spoke on the floor, advocating for justice. Alternate Molly Payne-Hardin stepped in to allow Clergy Delegates some much-needed time off. Wanda has been serving well as Chair, both coordinating our rotations and also voting when the vote was by orders per diocese. Shelly, Paul, Felicity, Pam and I have also been working through the business at hand, while Melody and Carrie have worked as volunteers to help keep the Convention (and the Bishop and the delegation) moving.

I have already / again run out of time writing this. We are blessed and busy, and will have much to report. Ask us about the Anti-Racism work. It has been going well, with some difficulty. The work feels crunched, with limited discussion times due to the shortening of Convention, but the House seems to be handling it well. Thank you for allowing me to be part of this. I’d better get back now!

Peace to all!


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