First Annual Harriet Tubman Commemoration and Renewal of Vows

Following a resolution from Diocesan Convention in 2022, on March 22, our diocese held our first annual Harriet Tubman Commemoration Service. As part of honoring Harriet Tubman and her legacy of liberating work, during this service we also renewed our baptismal vows and our clergy renewed their ordination vows.

If you weren’t able to tune in live, you did not miss it! Remember, onsite or online, live or on replay, it’s all in person and it’s all holy. You are encouraged to engage with the service and take time to renew your own commitment to your life with Jesus on the Way of Love. You can download the service booklet here.

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A headshot of Bishop-Elect Carrie Schofield-Broadbent smiling to camera. She's wearing her clerical collar, a black shirt, and a deep red cardigan. Super imposed in the bottom left corner of the image is a rather clever logo from the Diocese of Maryland for their Bishop Search. A crab, colored with the Maryland flag and its bold gold/black and red/white patterns, is wearing a mitre!The stylized red cross of the Diocese of Central New York